Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly “PW Interviews: Katherine Neville”December 23, 1988

Romantic Times

Romantic Times Magazine interview of Katherine Neville“The Story Behind a Cult Classic: The Eight“March 1999


Parabola advertisements of The Eight and The Firewith reviews from institutions and authors

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle interview of Katherine Neville“Computer Genius’ Unique Novel Hits Big”March 16, 1989

Suspense Magazine

Suspense Magazine interview of Katherine Neville“Katherine Neville Shares a Secret so Don’t Tell”April 2016 Download Suspense Magazine (April 2016) as a PDF

Rocky Mountain News

Rocky Mountain News book review of The Fire“Specialty bookshelf: reviews of thriller, mystery, horror and children’s titles”October 30, 2008

Richmond Times Dispatch

Richmond Times Dispatch book review of The Fire“Neville’s long awaited sequel is hot”December 7, 2008

Orlando Sentinel

The Orlando Sentinel book review of The Fire“Cult classic author makes next move” November 2, 2008

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz Sentinel book review of The Fire“Check and mate 20 years late, Neville delivers sequel”2008

Chicago Sun Times

Chicago Sun Times book review of The Fire“Mystery Thriller Roundup”October 19, 2008

Smyth County News

Smyth County News book review of The Eight“The Eight is well-written international adventure”January 19, 1989

Hilton Head Island Packet

Hilton Head Island Packet book review of The Eight“The Eight is masterfully suspenseful” January 15, 1989

Utah Herald

Provo, Utah The Herald book review of The Eight“Chess and mythology combine with intrigue”Feb 1989

Constant Reader

Constant Reader book review of The Fire“A Thrilling Season”October 23, 2008

RT Clubhouse

RT Clubhouse book review of The Fire“The Eight Isn’t Enough: Katherine Neville Follows Up a Fan Favorite”October 2008


El Periodico de Extremadura “Lo unico que tienen en comun..’ Caraces 2009.jpeg

Collected Short Reviews

Collection of brief reviews of Das Montglane-Spiel from Germany/Austria/Switzerland. Hamburger Abendblatt November 1990 Weizer Zeitung December 1990


General-Anzeiger Stadthagen Bucher die mir aufgefallen sind’Dec 1990

Bild am Sonntag

Bild am Sonntag book review of Das Montglane-Spiel‘Das Geheimnis der alten Schnachfiguren’ September 12, 1990


Westfälische Bielefelder Tageblatt book review of Das Montglane-Spiel“Lustvoller Schmoker”October 16, 1990


Züriberg Quartierzeitung (Switzerland) book review of Das Montglane Spiel“Buchtip der Woche: Schachspiel” December 1990


Buchreport interview of Katherine Neville“Die Buchbranche hat bei aller Rivalität doch mehr von einem Gentlemen-Geschäft” August 1990

La Dépêche

La Dépêche book review of Le HuitJuly 14, 2002


Marianne article “L’ete triomphal dupolar historiqu”July 2002

Le Pays

Le Pays book review of Le Huit“Pavés de plage”August 5, 2002

Oh La!

Oh La! book review of Le Huit“Suspense en blanc et noir”September 3, 2002

Notre Temps

Notre Temps Magazine book review of Le Huit“Les 50 livres de l’ete”July 2002


L’Express book review of Le Huit“Les 10 choix de L’Express: Katherine NevilleJune 27, 2002


Elle (France) book review of Le Huit“Le plus énigamatique” July 2002


Gala book review of Le Huit“Le malédiction des reines noires”July 3, 2002


Femina book review of Le HuitAugust 11, 2002


Pelerin Magazine book review of Le HuitJune/July 2002

Le Telegramme

Le Telegramme book review of Le HuitSeptember 25, 2002


Avantages book review of Le HuitAugust 2002


Atmospheres book review of Le HuitJuly 2002

Figaro Magazine

Figaro Magazine book review of Le Huit “Eches humains”July 2, 2002