Galactic Travel Newsletter
July 21, 2015
KATHERINE’S BOOKS START TRAVELING TODAY, BY THE COSMOS! Today, the anniversary of the date that we first set foot on the Moon, marks the FIRST DAY that my books are now available as E-Books!
Time Travel: Fiction Inspires Reality
Tonight, July 21, at 10:56 pm (US Eastern time, 2:56 GMT) we will mark the 46th anniversary of the first human footstep onto the moon: July 21, 1969. When this event took place, I was working in the computer field in New York City, and many of my friends and colleagues later went on to work in rocket science, which provided me, for quite awhile, with a fascinating insider’s view of time travel, space exploration, and our human relationship to the cosmos. For the ancient Greeks, the word Kosmos meant both ‘ornament’ and ‘order’ — the two most important elements of any work of fiction.
For those, like me, who have loved Jules Verne’s books from our earliest childhood, we recall that this year also marks the 150th anniversary of Verne’s landmark book: From the Earth to the Moon — translated into as many languages as Agatha Christie and Shakespeare’s works — a book with so many similarities to our first human travel, that even NASA and the astronauts paid tribute to it. To name a few: In Verne’s saga, the voyagers are three Americans; their ship departs from Florida and lands in the Pacific; it’s named after Columbus. Interestingly, Verne’s explorers also raise their money, in Europe and America, privately as we are doing today, to finance private space travel.
The quotation that our astronauts left on the moon should be pasted on our wall:
“Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.”
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