The language the ancient Celtic Druids was Ogham or Occam, the “language of the Oak,” a language based upon tree lore, where the letters and words were identified with trees, a practice also common to the gypsies – or “Rom” as they call themselves. The Eight and the Oak are woven together in many ways: Celtic knot designs, based upon patterns found in nature, are twined together to form never-ending Eights. The Languedoc region of France, (literally, tongue of the oak”) where the Knights Templars, Cathars and other mysterious and secretive freethinkers once lived, was the region where, in medieval times, sprang the works base upon those same patterns wrought in music and literature – “romances” – romans in French, or Roman-style tales, a never-ending maze of beautiful, complex, interwoven threads that were laced together like branches of an ancient tree.
Happy “Oc”- Month to all!
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