St Jordi Newsletter
April 23, 2022
George, Will, and Miguel’s Day
Today, April 23, Saint George’s Day, is commemorated as William Shakespeare’s birthday and as the date when both Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes died. (Although the “dates” seem to match, at that time the calendars of England and Spain were still ten days apart, so–as usual–reality is improved upon by fiction!)
This day, called “St Jordi” in Spain, is now widely celebrated as the official Unesco “Day of the Book,” an event that was first launched in Barcelona. I spent my happy Spanish book launch for The Magic Circle, as one of many authors being moved all over the city of Barcelona–from one signing table to another throughout the town, one hour at each, elbow-to-elbow with my fellow authors–all of us greeted by queues of readers, all of us signing books for the hour at each place we stopped. Magic Circle came in, in the top three books for the day, and everybody celebrated wildly, sipping Cava and smelling the roses.
St George is also the patron of my book, The Magic Circle. He pins the “Dragon Forces” of cosmic energy, (putting his lance, through the kundalini creative center: the Gorge=George) which harnesses heavenly forces and brings them down to earth. He reconnects us with our own spiral forces.
Katherine on Spanish Book Tour
Dancing with the Dragon

I’ve just returned from an unplanned trip to Spain, to revisit the Prado in Madrid, to see again, in person, some of the art created by many of the large cast of characters in my upcoming book about artists.
It was so refreshing and inspiring to find myself, day after day, in a huge museum, among people from many countries around the world: young parents, many with teeny children–even a few so small they were still being pushed in strollers–all looking at, admiring, and talking about beautiful art. Even the smallest child had some observation to make about the luscious and glorious creations on the walls around us. Beauty is a primal force.
Beauty is not only “in the eye of the beholder”–it pre-exists in Nature. Even from infancy, when we see a pattern that conforms to the “Golden Mean” or the “Fibonacci Spiral,” we (our “brain waves” and input from our sensory organs) literally vibrate with it: we are “On the same Wave Length,” we “Harmonize with our Surroundings,” we can “Go with the Flow.” This involves all five senses: our cochlea, olfactory organs, taste buds, skin sensory organs, lenses of the eye–all these respond to certain universal wave patterns.
In a sense, we are Analog people, moving through a Digital world. The further we remove from interacting with our environment through our unique sensory experiences, the the less “Tangible” and more “Virtual” we become. In order to reconnect with our world, it’s time to seize the Dragon by the Tail!