Toussaint Newsletter
November 1, 2019
My favorite holiday is the three-day period called Samhain in the Celtic calendar: October 31, November 1-2 — combining Hallowe’en (All Hallows Eve), All Saints and All Souls Days. This is the ‘three days out of time.’
For fifteen years I lived in a Gothic house presided over by Tyger my cat and Esmé the resident ghost. Each Hallowe’en, more than 100 children would arrive to receive apples, oranges, nuts and chocolate kisses.
The Gothic house had a 130-year old giant maple tree (recently deceased) that appears as a young tree in an early photo. The Gothic house itself appears in a Harpers Weekly rotogravure (1864).
I hope you enjoy reading this article I wrote for The Line-Up about my ghost:
· Esmé: The Other Friendly Ghost
Please visit me on my website www.KatherineNeville.com
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