I’ve just returned from doing research in London, where I met up once again with St George, one of my favorite saints!
As the card states, “In Genoa, the houses were often built in narrow, steep streets. This made the lintel the best place for any exterior decoration. It was often carved with images of St George and the Dragon or the Annunciation. These signalled the piety of the owner and sometimes included religious inscriptions.” This particular doorway lintel (c. 1450-1500) depicts St George and the Dragon.

The longest legend of St George is that he was born in Cappadocia, in today’s central Turkey, one of my favorite spots.
St George is patron of many cities and countries, but for me his more important role is that he is also (as St Jordi) the patron of BOOKS!
The Unesco Day of the Book, founded in Spain, is celebrated on St George’s Day, April 23, which also happens to be the anniversary of the death of Shakespeare and of Cervantes! Everyone in Barcelona turns out in the streets on that day, buying and giving gifts of books (and long-stemmed roses.) My books almost always end up in the Top Ten for the Day of the Book.
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