In celebration of Valentine’s Day, I’ve collected some of my favorite pink things to share! I love pink in all its various hues and was thrilled to learn that my MacBook Air is, in fact, ‘millennial pink’ and it matches my Italian designer, Fratelli Rossetti, shoes. (My only concession to brand names is in computers and shoes!)
For people who wish to learn more about the fascinating history of pink in art – read Roberto Calasso’s wonderful book Tiepolo Pink about the glorious paintings of the Venetian Artist, Giambattista Tiepolo.
This article from The Guardian outlines the evolution of ‘millennial pink’ as a concept and attempts to define the color.
Millennial Pink & Rose Gold
My new computer matches my beautiful pink shoes.
Pink, Pink, and More Pink
“The Cut” provides beautiful examples from all over the pink spectrum, including this gorgeous photo (below) of the hotel Wes Anderson created for The Grand Budapest Hotel.
The Gallery at Sketch London
A fabulous chichi (and very pink) restaurant that I love to dine in whenever I am in London, Sketch is always a treat.
Photo of ‘Sketch’ from The Cut article
“Think Pink!”
GIF from Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn.